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    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ laser1000it in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
    PineScript :-
    // To change this from a Strategy to a Indicator:-
    // 1) uncomment the next line and comment out the strategy line.
    // 2) at the end of the file comment out the last 2 lines
    // study(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Indicator", overlay=true)
    strategy(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, pyramiding=5)
    stopInput = input(2.0, "Stop N", step=.5)
    pyramidInput = input(1, "Pyramid N", step=.5)
    l1LongInput = input(20, "L1 Long", minval=5)
    l2LongInput = input(55, "L2 Long", minval=5)
    l1LongExitInput = input (10, "L1 Long Exit", minval=5)
    l2LongExitInput = input (20, "L2 Long Exit", minval=5)
    FromYear = input(2000, "From Year", minval=1900), FromMonth = input(1, "From Month", minval=1, maxval=12), FromDay = input(1, "From Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    ToYear = input(9999, "To Year", minval=1900), ToMonth = input(1, "To Month", minval=1, maxval=12), ToDay = input(1, "To Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    FromDate = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00), ToDate = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
    TradeDateIsAllowed() => time >= FromDate and time <= ToDate
    l1Long = highest(l1LongInput)
    l1LongExit = lowest(l1LongExitInput)
    l2Long = highest(l2LongInput)
    l2LongExit = lowest(l2LongExitInput)
    bool win = false // tracks if last trade was winning trade of losing trade.
    float totalPrice = 0.0 // tracks total price, used for calculating avgPrice
    float buyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the buy price of the last long position.
    float avgPrice = 0.0 // tracks the avg price of all currently held long positions.
    float nextBuyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the next buy price
    float stopPrice = na // tracks the stop price
    int totalBuys = 0 // tracks the total # of pyramid buys
    bool inBuy = false // tracks if we are in a long position or not.
    float l1LongPlot = highest(l1LongInput) // tracks the L1 price to display
    float l2LongPlot = highest(l2LongInput) // tracks the L2 price to display
    float n = atr(14) // tracks the n used to calculate stops and pyramid buys
    string mode = 'L1' // tracks whether we are in a L1 position or L2 position.
    bool fake = na // tracks if this is a fake trade, see comments below.
    string longLevel = na // tracks where long positions, stops, pyramid buys occur.
    // by default use the last value from the previous bar.
    buyPrice := buyPrice[1]
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1]
    nextBuyPrice := nextBuyPrice[1]
    stopPrice := stopPrice[1]
    avgPrice := avgPrice[1]
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1]
    win := win[1]
    // State to track if we are in a long positon or not.
    inBuy := not inBuy[1] and (close > l1Long[1] or close > l2Long[1]) ? true : inBuy[1]
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and close < l1LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L2' and close < l2LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    // State to track if we are ia a fake trade. If the last trade was a winning, we need to skip the next trade.
    // We still track it though as a fake trade (not counted against us). as the outcome determines if we can
    // can take the next trade.
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and win[1] ? true : fake[1]
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and not win[1] ? false : fake
    fake := close > l2Long[1] ? false : fake
    // Series representing the l1 and l2 levels. If we break out above the l1 or l2 level, we want the
    // line to stay at the breakout level, not follow it up.
    l1LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l1Long[1],l1LongPlot[1])
    l2LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l2Long[1],l2LongPlot[1])
    // Variable in the series is only set when it happens. Possible values is L1, L2, SR
    // (stopped out with a loss), SG (exited with a gain), and 'P' for pyramid buy.
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] ? 'L1' : na
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l2Long[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and close > l2Long[1] and fake ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] != 'L2' ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' ? na : longLevel // don't switch to L2 if we are already in a L1
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and fake[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // Either 'L1' or 'L2' depending on what breakout level we are in.
    mode := longLevel == na ? mode[1] : longLevel
    // Variables to track calculating avgPrice and nextBuyPrice for pyramiding.
    if longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := 1
    totalPrice := close
    avgPrice := buyPrice
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Marks if we hit our next buy price, if so mark it with a 'P'
    longLevel := inBuy[1] and close > nextBuyPrice and TradeDateIsAllowed() and totalBuys < 5 ? 'P' : longLevel
    if longLevel == 'P'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1] + 1
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1] + buyPrice
    avgPrice := totalPrice / totalBuys
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Tracks stops and exits, marking them with SG or SR
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    // Tracks if the trade was a win or loss.
    win := longLevel == 'SG' ? true : win
    win := longLevel == 'SR' ? false : win
    // Variables used to tell strategy when to enter/exit trade.
    enterLong = (longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2' or longLevel == 'P') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    exitLong = (longLevel == 'SG' or longLevel == 'SR') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    p1 = plot(l1LongPlot, title="l1 long", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p2 = plot(l1LongExit[1], title="l1 exit", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    p3 = plot(l2LongPlot, title="l2 long", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p4 = plot(l2LongExit[1], title="l2 exit", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    color1 = color.new(color.black, 0)
    color2 = color.new(color.black, 100)
    col= (inBuy) ? color1 : color2
    p5 = plot(stopPrice, title="stop", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    p6 = plot(nextBuyPrice, title="next buy", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    fill(p1, p3, color=color.green)
    fill(p2, p4, color=color.red)
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L1' and not fake ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(fake and longLevel == 'L1' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape((mode == 'L2' or (mode == 'L1' and not fake)) and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(mode == 'L1' and fake and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L2' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L2") // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L1' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L2' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SR' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.red, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for losing trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SG' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.green, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotarrow(win ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.yellow, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotshape(inBuy[1], color=color.blue, transp=40, text='X') // down arrow for winning trade
    // label.new(bar_index, high, style=label.style_none, text=longLevel)
    alertcondition(low < stopPrice, title="crosses under stop price", message="price crossed under stop price")
    alertcondition(high > l1Long, title="crosses over L1 price", message="price crossed over L1 price")
    alertcondition(high > l2Long, title="crosses over L2 price", message="price crossed over L2 price")
    alertcondition(low < l1LongExit, title="crosses under L1 exit price", message="price crossed under L1 exit price")
    alertcondition(low < l2LongExit, title="crosses under L2 exit price", message="price crossed under L2 exit price")
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, comment='long', when=enterLong)
    strategy.close("long", when=exitLong)
  2. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ laser1000it in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
  3. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from melauf in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
    PineScript :-
    // To change this from a Strategy to a Indicator:-
    // 1) uncomment the next line and comment out the strategy line.
    // 2) at the end of the file comment out the last 2 lines
    // study(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Indicator", overlay=true)
    strategy(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, pyramiding=5)
    stopInput = input(2.0, "Stop N", step=.5)
    pyramidInput = input(1, "Pyramid N", step=.5)
    l1LongInput = input(20, "L1 Long", minval=5)
    l2LongInput = input(55, "L2 Long", minval=5)
    l1LongExitInput = input (10, "L1 Long Exit", minval=5)
    l2LongExitInput = input (20, "L2 Long Exit", minval=5)
    FromYear = input(2000, "From Year", minval=1900), FromMonth = input(1, "From Month", minval=1, maxval=12), FromDay = input(1, "From Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    ToYear = input(9999, "To Year", minval=1900), ToMonth = input(1, "To Month", minval=1, maxval=12), ToDay = input(1, "To Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    FromDate = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00), ToDate = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
    TradeDateIsAllowed() => time >= FromDate and time <= ToDate
    l1Long = highest(l1LongInput)
    l1LongExit = lowest(l1LongExitInput)
    l2Long = highest(l2LongInput)
    l2LongExit = lowest(l2LongExitInput)
    bool win = false // tracks if last trade was winning trade of losing trade.
    float totalPrice = 0.0 // tracks total price, used for calculating avgPrice
    float buyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the buy price of the last long position.
    float avgPrice = 0.0 // tracks the avg price of all currently held long positions.
    float nextBuyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the next buy price
    float stopPrice = na // tracks the stop price
    int totalBuys = 0 // tracks the total # of pyramid buys
    bool inBuy = false // tracks if we are in a long position or not.
    float l1LongPlot = highest(l1LongInput) // tracks the L1 price to display
    float l2LongPlot = highest(l2LongInput) // tracks the L2 price to display
    float n = atr(14) // tracks the n used to calculate stops and pyramid buys
    string mode = 'L1' // tracks whether we are in a L1 position or L2 position.
    bool fake = na // tracks if this is a fake trade, see comments below.
    string longLevel = na // tracks where long positions, stops, pyramid buys occur.
    // by default use the last value from the previous bar.
    buyPrice := buyPrice[1]
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1]
    nextBuyPrice := nextBuyPrice[1]
    stopPrice := stopPrice[1]
    avgPrice := avgPrice[1]
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1]
    win := win[1]
    // State to track if we are in a long positon or not.
    inBuy := not inBuy[1] and (close > l1Long[1] or close > l2Long[1]) ? true : inBuy[1]
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and close < l1LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L2' and close < l2LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    // State to track if we are ia a fake trade. If the last trade was a winning, we need to skip the next trade.
    // We still track it though as a fake trade (not counted against us). as the outcome determines if we can
    // can take the next trade.
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and win[1] ? true : fake[1]
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and not win[1] ? false : fake
    fake := close > l2Long[1] ? false : fake
    // Series representing the l1 and l2 levels. If we break out above the l1 or l2 level, we want the
    // line to stay at the breakout level, not follow it up.
    l1LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l1Long[1],l1LongPlot[1])
    l2LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l2Long[1],l2LongPlot[1])
    // Variable in the series is only set when it happens. Possible values is L1, L2, SR
    // (stopped out with a loss), SG (exited with a gain), and 'P' for pyramid buy.
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] ? 'L1' : na
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l2Long[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and close > l2Long[1] and fake ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] != 'L2' ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' ? na : longLevel // don't switch to L2 if we are already in a L1
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and fake[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // Either 'L1' or 'L2' depending on what breakout level we are in.
    mode := longLevel == na ? mode[1] : longLevel
    // Variables to track calculating avgPrice and nextBuyPrice for pyramiding.
    if longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := 1
    totalPrice := close
    avgPrice := buyPrice
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Marks if we hit our next buy price, if so mark it with a 'P'
    longLevel := inBuy[1] and close > nextBuyPrice and TradeDateIsAllowed() and totalBuys < 5 ? 'P' : longLevel
    if longLevel == 'P'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1] + 1
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1] + buyPrice
    avgPrice := totalPrice / totalBuys
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Tracks stops and exits, marking them with SG or SR
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    // Tracks if the trade was a win or loss.
    win := longLevel == 'SG' ? true : win
    win := longLevel == 'SR' ? false : win
    // Variables used to tell strategy when to enter/exit trade.
    enterLong = (longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2' or longLevel == 'P') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    exitLong = (longLevel == 'SG' or longLevel == 'SR') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    p1 = plot(l1LongPlot, title="l1 long", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p2 = plot(l1LongExit[1], title="l1 exit", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    p3 = plot(l2LongPlot, title="l2 long", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p4 = plot(l2LongExit[1], title="l2 exit", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    color1 = color.new(color.black, 0)
    color2 = color.new(color.black, 100)
    col= (inBuy) ? color1 : color2
    p5 = plot(stopPrice, title="stop", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    p6 = plot(nextBuyPrice, title="next buy", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    fill(p1, p3, color=color.green)
    fill(p2, p4, color=color.red)
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L1' and not fake ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(fake and longLevel == 'L1' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape((mode == 'L2' or (mode == 'L1' and not fake)) and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(mode == 'L1' and fake and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L2' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L2") // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L1' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L2' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SR' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.red, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for losing trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SG' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.green, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotarrow(win ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.yellow, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotshape(inBuy[1], color=color.blue, transp=40, text='X') // down arrow for winning trade
    // label.new(bar_index, high, style=label.style_none, text=longLevel)
    alertcondition(low < stopPrice, title="crosses under stop price", message="price crossed under stop price")
    alertcondition(high > l1Long, title="crosses over L1 price", message="price crossed over L1 price")
    alertcondition(high > l2Long, title="crosses over L2 price", message="price crossed over L2 price")
    alertcondition(low < l1LongExit, title="crosses under L1 exit price", message="price crossed under L1 exit price")
    alertcondition(low < l2LongExit, title="crosses under L2 exit price", message="price crossed under L2 exit price")
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, comment='long', when=enterLong)
    strategy.close("long", when=exitLong)
  4. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from Galanoth in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
    PineScript :-
    // To change this from a Strategy to a Indicator:-
    // 1) uncomment the next line and comment out the strategy line.
    // 2) at the end of the file comment out the last 2 lines
    // study(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Indicator", overlay=true)
    strategy(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, pyramiding=5)
    stopInput = input(2.0, "Stop N", step=.5)
    pyramidInput = input(1, "Pyramid N", step=.5)
    l1LongInput = input(20, "L1 Long", minval=5)
    l2LongInput = input(55, "L2 Long", minval=5)
    l1LongExitInput = input (10, "L1 Long Exit", minval=5)
    l2LongExitInput = input (20, "L2 Long Exit", minval=5)
    FromYear = input(2000, "From Year", minval=1900), FromMonth = input(1, "From Month", minval=1, maxval=12), FromDay = input(1, "From Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    ToYear = input(9999, "To Year", minval=1900), ToMonth = input(1, "To Month", minval=1, maxval=12), ToDay = input(1, "To Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    FromDate = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00), ToDate = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
    TradeDateIsAllowed() => time >= FromDate and time <= ToDate
    l1Long = highest(l1LongInput)
    l1LongExit = lowest(l1LongExitInput)
    l2Long = highest(l2LongInput)
    l2LongExit = lowest(l2LongExitInput)
    bool win = false // tracks if last trade was winning trade of losing trade.
    float totalPrice = 0.0 // tracks total price, used for calculating avgPrice
    float buyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the buy price of the last long position.
    float avgPrice = 0.0 // tracks the avg price of all currently held long positions.
    float nextBuyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the next buy price
    float stopPrice = na // tracks the stop price
    int totalBuys = 0 // tracks the total # of pyramid buys
    bool inBuy = false // tracks if we are in a long position or not.
    float l1LongPlot = highest(l1LongInput) // tracks the L1 price to display
    float l2LongPlot = highest(l2LongInput) // tracks the L2 price to display
    float n = atr(14) // tracks the n used to calculate stops and pyramid buys
    string mode = 'L1' // tracks whether we are in a L1 position or L2 position.
    bool fake = na // tracks if this is a fake trade, see comments below.
    string longLevel = na // tracks where long positions, stops, pyramid buys occur.
    // by default use the last value from the previous bar.
    buyPrice := buyPrice[1]
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1]
    nextBuyPrice := nextBuyPrice[1]
    stopPrice := stopPrice[1]
    avgPrice := avgPrice[1]
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1]
    win := win[1]
    // State to track if we are in a long positon or not.
    inBuy := not inBuy[1] and (close > l1Long[1] or close > l2Long[1]) ? true : inBuy[1]
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and close < l1LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L2' and close < l2LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    // State to track if we are ia a fake trade. If the last trade was a winning, we need to skip the next trade.
    // We still track it though as a fake trade (not counted against us). as the outcome determines if we can
    // can take the next trade.
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and win[1] ? true : fake[1]
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and not win[1] ? false : fake
    fake := close > l2Long[1] ? false : fake
    // Series representing the l1 and l2 levels. If we break out above the l1 or l2 level, we want the
    // line to stay at the breakout level, not follow it up.
    l1LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l1Long[1],l1LongPlot[1])
    l2LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l2Long[1],l2LongPlot[1])
    // Variable in the series is only set when it happens. Possible values is L1, L2, SR
    // (stopped out with a loss), SG (exited with a gain), and 'P' for pyramid buy.
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] ? 'L1' : na
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l2Long[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and close > l2Long[1] and fake ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] != 'L2' ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' ? na : longLevel // don't switch to L2 if we are already in a L1
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and fake[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // Either 'L1' or 'L2' depending on what breakout level we are in.
    mode := longLevel == na ? mode[1] : longLevel
    // Variables to track calculating avgPrice and nextBuyPrice for pyramiding.
    if longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := 1
    totalPrice := close
    avgPrice := buyPrice
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Marks if we hit our next buy price, if so mark it with a 'P'
    longLevel := inBuy[1] and close > nextBuyPrice and TradeDateIsAllowed() and totalBuys < 5 ? 'P' : longLevel
    if longLevel == 'P'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1] + 1
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1] + buyPrice
    avgPrice := totalPrice / totalBuys
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Tracks stops and exits, marking them with SG or SR
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    // Tracks if the trade was a win or loss.
    win := longLevel == 'SG' ? true : win
    win := longLevel == 'SR' ? false : win
    // Variables used to tell strategy when to enter/exit trade.
    enterLong = (longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2' or longLevel == 'P') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    exitLong = (longLevel == 'SG' or longLevel == 'SR') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    p1 = plot(l1LongPlot, title="l1 long", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p2 = plot(l1LongExit[1], title="l1 exit", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    p3 = plot(l2LongPlot, title="l2 long", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p4 = plot(l2LongExit[1], title="l2 exit", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    color1 = color.new(color.black, 0)
    color2 = color.new(color.black, 100)
    col= (inBuy) ? color1 : color2
    p5 = plot(stopPrice, title="stop", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    p6 = plot(nextBuyPrice, title="next buy", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    fill(p1, p3, color=color.green)
    fill(p2, p4, color=color.red)
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L1' and not fake ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(fake and longLevel == 'L1' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape((mode == 'L2' or (mode == 'L1' and not fake)) and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(mode == 'L1' and fake and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L2' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L2") // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L1' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L2' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SR' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.red, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for losing trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SG' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.green, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotarrow(win ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.yellow, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotshape(inBuy[1], color=color.blue, transp=40, text='X') // down arrow for winning trade
    // label.new(bar_index, high, style=label.style_none, text=longLevel)
    alertcondition(low < stopPrice, title="crosses under stop price", message="price crossed under stop price")
    alertcondition(high > l1Long, title="crosses over L1 price", message="price crossed over L1 price")
    alertcondition(high > l2Long, title="crosses over L2 price", message="price crossed over L2 price")
    alertcondition(low < l1LongExit, title="crosses under L1 exit price", message="price crossed under L1 exit price")
    alertcondition(low < l2LongExit, title="crosses under L2 exit price", message="price crossed under L2 exit price")
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, comment='long', when=enterLong)
    strategy.close("long", when=exitLong)
  5. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from melauf in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
  6. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ chullankallan in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
    PineScript :-
    // To change this from a Strategy to a Indicator:-
    // 1) uncomment the next line and comment out the strategy line.
    // 2) at the end of the file comment out the last 2 lines
    // study(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Indicator", overlay=true)
    strategy(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, pyramiding=5)
    stopInput = input(2.0, "Stop N", step=.5)
    pyramidInput = input(1, "Pyramid N", step=.5)
    l1LongInput = input(20, "L1 Long", minval=5)
    l2LongInput = input(55, "L2 Long", minval=5)
    l1LongExitInput = input (10, "L1 Long Exit", minval=5)
    l2LongExitInput = input (20, "L2 Long Exit", minval=5)
    FromYear = input(2000, "From Year", minval=1900), FromMonth = input(1, "From Month", minval=1, maxval=12), FromDay = input(1, "From Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    ToYear = input(9999, "To Year", minval=1900), ToMonth = input(1, "To Month", minval=1, maxval=12), ToDay = input(1, "To Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    FromDate = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00), ToDate = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
    TradeDateIsAllowed() => time >= FromDate and time <= ToDate
    l1Long = highest(l1LongInput)
    l1LongExit = lowest(l1LongExitInput)
    l2Long = highest(l2LongInput)
    l2LongExit = lowest(l2LongExitInput)
    bool win = false // tracks if last trade was winning trade of losing trade.
    float totalPrice = 0.0 // tracks total price, used for calculating avgPrice
    float buyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the buy price of the last long position.
    float avgPrice = 0.0 // tracks the avg price of all currently held long positions.
    float nextBuyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the next buy price
    float stopPrice = na // tracks the stop price
    int totalBuys = 0 // tracks the total # of pyramid buys
    bool inBuy = false // tracks if we are in a long position or not.
    float l1LongPlot = highest(l1LongInput) // tracks the L1 price to display
    float l2LongPlot = highest(l2LongInput) // tracks the L2 price to display
    float n = atr(14) // tracks the n used to calculate stops and pyramid buys
    string mode = 'L1' // tracks whether we are in a L1 position or L2 position.
    bool fake = na // tracks if this is a fake trade, see comments below.
    string longLevel = na // tracks where long positions, stops, pyramid buys occur.
    // by default use the last value from the previous bar.
    buyPrice := buyPrice[1]
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1]
    nextBuyPrice := nextBuyPrice[1]
    stopPrice := stopPrice[1]
    avgPrice := avgPrice[1]
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1]
    win := win[1]
    // State to track if we are in a long positon or not.
    inBuy := not inBuy[1] and (close > l1Long[1] or close > l2Long[1]) ? true : inBuy[1]
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and close < l1LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L2' and close < l2LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    // State to track if we are ia a fake trade. If the last trade was a winning, we need to skip the next trade.
    // We still track it though as a fake trade (not counted against us). as the outcome determines if we can
    // can take the next trade.
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and win[1] ? true : fake[1]
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and not win[1] ? false : fake
    fake := close > l2Long[1] ? false : fake
    // Series representing the l1 and l2 levels. If we break out above the l1 or l2 level, we want the
    // line to stay at the breakout level, not follow it up.
    l1LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l1Long[1],l1LongPlot[1])
    l2LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l2Long[1],l2LongPlot[1])
    // Variable in the series is only set when it happens. Possible values is L1, L2, SR
    // (stopped out with a loss), SG (exited with a gain), and 'P' for pyramid buy.
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] ? 'L1' : na
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l2Long[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and close > l2Long[1] and fake ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] != 'L2' ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' ? na : longLevel // don't switch to L2 if we are already in a L1
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and fake[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // Either 'L1' or 'L2' depending on what breakout level we are in.
    mode := longLevel == na ? mode[1] : longLevel
    // Variables to track calculating avgPrice and nextBuyPrice for pyramiding.
    if longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := 1
    totalPrice := close
    avgPrice := buyPrice
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Marks if we hit our next buy price, if so mark it with a 'P'
    longLevel := inBuy[1] and close > nextBuyPrice and TradeDateIsAllowed() and totalBuys < 5 ? 'P' : longLevel
    if longLevel == 'P'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1] + 1
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1] + buyPrice
    avgPrice := totalPrice / totalBuys
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Tracks stops and exits, marking them with SG or SR
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    // Tracks if the trade was a win or loss.
    win := longLevel == 'SG' ? true : win
    win := longLevel == 'SR' ? false : win
    // Variables used to tell strategy when to enter/exit trade.
    enterLong = (longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2' or longLevel == 'P') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    exitLong = (longLevel == 'SG' or longLevel == 'SR') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    p1 = plot(l1LongPlot, title="l1 long", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p2 = plot(l1LongExit[1], title="l1 exit", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    p3 = plot(l2LongPlot, title="l2 long", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p4 = plot(l2LongExit[1], title="l2 exit", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    color1 = color.new(color.black, 0)
    color2 = color.new(color.black, 100)
    col= (inBuy) ? color1 : color2
    p5 = plot(stopPrice, title="stop", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    p6 = plot(nextBuyPrice, title="next buy", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    fill(p1, p3, color=color.green)
    fill(p2, p4, color=color.red)
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L1' and not fake ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(fake and longLevel == 'L1' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape((mode == 'L2' or (mode == 'L1' and not fake)) and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(mode == 'L1' and fake and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L2' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L2") // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L1' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L2' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SR' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.red, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for losing trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SG' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.green, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotarrow(win ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.yellow, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotshape(inBuy[1], color=color.blue, transp=40, text='X') // down arrow for winning trade
    // label.new(bar_index, high, style=label.style_none, text=longLevel)
    alertcondition(low < stopPrice, title="crosses under stop price", message="price crossed under stop price")
    alertcondition(high > l1Long, title="crosses over L1 price", message="price crossed over L1 price")
    alertcondition(high > l2Long, title="crosses over L2 price", message="price crossed over L2 price")
    alertcondition(low < l1LongExit, title="crosses under L1 exit price", message="price crossed under L1 exit price")
    alertcondition(low < l2LongExit, title="crosses under L2 exit price", message="price crossed under L2 exit price")
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, comment='long', when=enterLong)
    strategy.close("long", when=exitLong)
  7. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ btul in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  8. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ivan2007007 in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  9. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ivan2007007 in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Yes.. actually array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type..
  10. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ chullankallan in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  11. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ syed.quadri81 in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  12. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from wizard101 in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  13. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from ⭐ flipper26 in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  14. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from Kamisama in Trading View Pine Coders?   
    Hello Boys/Girls,
    First of all my heart full thanks admin , Jane- Trader Beauty for accepting my request and create this section.
    This is just to collect like mind together who have knowledge of pine scripts.
    I'm personally learning it and I'm impressed with this language and possibly it can offer. (Especially after introduction of ARRAY)
    Anyways , I have coded few indicators which I will release public shortly.
    And currently I'm working on some indicator and I would love if you guys have Good idea for any setup or any system then we can try to built it together.
    It's like latest Episode of DuckTales ( 12th march 2021) , If you have any idea we can Gizmo it .
  15. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from Carbon in Req:   
    If anyone need something else let me know..
    Somehow I have many indicators for NT8 surprising I don't even use NT8 :P
  16. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from Carbon in Req:   
    Enjoy.. don't forget to upvote :P
  17. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
    WT5 ELLIOTT WAVE.. works with cracked NT8
  18. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
    If anyone need something else let me know..
    Somehow I have many indicators for NT8 surprising I don't even use NT8 :P
  19. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
  20. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
    Pivot boss NT8 educated
  21. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
  22. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
  23. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
  24. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from agunes77 in Req:   
  25. Like
    ⭐ VON KRIEGER got a reaction from Rhodan909 in Logical Trading   
    depends on how u want to approach market... even if u master simple candlesticks breakout and confirm it with ossciliator , say there is triangle breakout and rsi above 50 , adx about 25, then buy it at 20ma pullback and ride the trend , simple !
    easier said then done ! , you need practise thats all :)
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