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Everything posted by Puzzle

  1. Hi Kesk Check attachment Aulas Swing Trading System Metastock.rar Metastock - Statistical for the best trading systems.rar
  2. Thank you for sharing. Is there a English version for Aulas Swing Trading Sistem? If so can you please share Thanks & regards
  3. Downloaded from the given link It is FAKE (Thanks for the share by the way)
  4. solidtorrents.to/search?q=Adam+grimes
  5. Yes, your are right it is broken. (Says missing .dlls) Anyway, if it is of your interest here is another link, but it is a EOD version https://farachart-com.translate.goog/6284?_x_tr_sl=fa&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc Regards
  6. @laser1000it I downloaded Advanced_Get_Training_Videos & was able to extract & watch videos, I downloaded Advanced GET 9.02 RT & was able to extract the files (did not install thou, I use Ami) What problem did you face, please elaborate. Regards
  7. Dear @MrAdmin (Had made the above request earlier.) If the VIP Membership offer is still being extended request you to kindly/please consider me as well. Thanks & Regards
  8. Link: https://www.4shared.com/s/fNXPqRJPLfa P.S : I am not using this software. Had a copy on my HDD, sharing as is. I did not try this S/F so do not know if it works or not. Try yourself. All the best. Regards
  9. Try this: (pass: 123) https://mega.nz/file/OwNVCKiJ#6PjnMdThB-g6ZCn9nzyUZJ_-sC7OExdCV3dxAMCXjqc
  10. It works, I tried at my end & was able to download. pls check/try again. You need to sign/login to 4shared to download.
  11. https://www.4shared.com/s/foLTlSpoMge Pass: 123 (All credit to original uploader/cracker ... as mentioned in the zip files) P.S: I am not a regular user of this S/F & the data that I use is locally stored EOD data (not from any data provider). .
  12. Dear @MrAdmin Is the VIP membership offer still open? My old user ID was @4Candles prior to revamp of this forum. Joined in year 2012. Can you please consider me in VIP Members group. Thanks & regards
  13. @iatin I mostly use Ami. Occasionally I use Optuma. I use local EOD data, exported from Ami as .CSV, and access that data from Optuma (Data > Import Local data > .csv).
  14. In the previous post I had shared v 2.2, it does not work as it needs machine ID. (Pls go through post where someone mentioned the reason) Pls find below v 1.6 This works for me. https://www.4shared.com/s/fg4Gi61Dnge Pass: 123 ( Downloaded from this forum, from links of this thread, if my memory serves me right)
  15. Did not understand your query. Are you asking for 1.6 working files with medicine or you have them but unable to start the application?
  16. https://www.4shared.com/s/f_pN1NgPyku Pass: 123 Whatever is made available in the above 4shared link was downloaded from this forum (most probably from the link that you referenced in your post) The zip file contains all relevant uploads with screenshot. Pass: 123 ... is to open the zip file I posted. There is another pass to open relevant file (check notepad in file)
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