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Everything posted by sushil1713007259

  1. i had downloaded a few parts from the other link which i could extract individually but when i download from this link i think these files are incompatible with the previously extracted files. is this the issue. should i down load all the links from this freecourser link only. thank you for your reply.
  2. Reading these words and knowing that I'm unemployed gives me only a lot of anger. you might be unemployed but why so angry.
  3. you don't need to open individual files,, you just have to Right Click on "*.zip.001" => Select 7 zip => Extract & enter password ,,, Happy Trading thanks
  4. i am unable to open the files even with 7zip and freecourser pwd. i am unable to attaching a screen shot. the file names are like AB-BTC.zip.003. how do i open them. can anyone help.
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