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About Tanya

  • Birthday 03/15/1990

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  1. hi gopal, is it possible to share again for a longer time? thanks
  2. Original post says that the Course size is approx. 23.3 GB while the Mega link is only for 2.8 GB. Is it because the video resolution has been reduced or the Mega files have a different source? Or perhaps Smack copied the file size from some place else?
  3. Link in Post # 13 is still up and working. Use VPN if you cannot access the file/ link in your location.
  4. link is still working. replace ! mark with i in the link (this is done to avoid detection from autobots. And I have noticed that if you mask the links, then they stay alive much much longer).
  5. any original source/ website/ who is it by?
  6. Its probably the one by Anton Kriel. https://[email protected]/#!qFM1nAhI!C7VT-giyQckFhzEfkDAHreAuXfsaJHbh8rq0fN4f3y8
  7. Google Drive link given in original post is active (for those who missed it earlier)
  8. Thanks for the share Gopal. However, the video quality is not good. Price levels or the text in the videos is hard to read. Wonder if there any better quality share available?
  9. Both the links were indeed shared with all files, but as Insaneike said, they are shared only for a limited time (perhaps to avoid the account the drive being blocked by g00gle. I too saw folders disappearing. Don't worry, the uploader has promised to share the drive regularly (perhaps about once a month would be my guess). Just stay on the look out when it is shared again.
  10. Seems Google removed the link before I could download all the Tutorials to my Google Drive (Yes, I paid and got a bigger G-drive immediately, but seems G-drive had a 90 minute limit for downloading to itself). See this-> https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/services/quotas (Triggers total runtime: 90 min / day) So those planning to download the entire cache of tutorial videos when the G-drive is shared again, I would recommend the following strategy: 1. For ebooks & softwares, you can download to some dummy google accounts, because the free 15 GB limit will cover those. But use separate accounts for both, since the Copy folder script shared above is painfully slow in downloading each file, and once you hit the 90 minute limit for a particular account, the downloads stop for the next 24 hours. 2. Couldn't get the size for folder named LibraryofTrader. 3. Buy larger G-drive storage for separate individual accounts for the folders named, Video Courses and Video Courses-Bundle 2 (for the reason mentioned above in 1). I couldn't download the entire cache but at last count the size was more than 600 GB. Perhaps someone who could get the entire thing, could share what is the actual size of the entire download. PS: @insaneike - Thanks for your idea of using the Copy folder script. That helped a lot. I will be on the lookout for the G-Drive at the source you shared. However, please do share the link if you come across the share once more. Can't say for older tutorials, but seems the drive had almost everything that is being shared or requested here recently. Thanks once again for the wonderful share.
  11. Seems I missed this narrowly. Can someone please re-up?
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