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About Emporeutic

  • Birthday 08/06/1990

Emporeutic's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. hxxps://ttwatrader.netlify.com/bookmap-masterclass-webinar-international/ This website is offering a complete course on bookmap and orderflow that looks really good. Has anyone had any experience with this guy? He apparently is quite well-known among the German trading community and is just starting to offer education in english. The blog posts on his site are quite good.
  2. The ninjatrader weiswave package can be found here: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/25209-weis-wave-plugin?p=414724&viewfull=1#post414724 Post #18 by lululee It includes the plugin, the webinar and other weiswave related pdfs.
  3. Does anyone have any of these videos? https://tradingpsychologyedge.com/deep-practice-with-drgary/ It is a monthly subscription type program where he goes through a chart in depth each video bar by bar to help drill in the process. The teacher is really good for wyckoff type volume/price action analysis. Does anyone have a review for this? Or is anyone interested in this?
  4. Does anyone have this webinar available for reupload? If so, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, in case this is useful, David Weis did a webinar on futureio: I like David Weis's quiz presentation style. Helpful for understanding the wyckoff wave concept. edit: nm, found it here: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/25209-weis-wave-plugin/page2?highlight=weis+wave+webinar Post #18 by lululee
  5. New Link: https://mega.nz/#!anJWiCpR!L19b_-nCUsMTtYjAkOatrHpYQeEHUYGA_Tfki6ErBmE Thanks to Gadfly
  6. I am curious, is there any limit to the amount of times you can sign up for the 2 week free data trial?
  7. Does anybody have the VPA course that they could repost?
  8. Hi, does someone still have this available?
  9. I was curious about this myself, I at first thought that the reputation button would thank.
  10. I'm wondering if there are any crude oil futures traders here that use volume profile/market profile Do you have any advice on how to setup TPO/volume profile charts. What time to start the profile? From reading Dalton books, it was my understanding that back in the day it would be at market open. But since the markets are basically all day now, would the charts start at the euro session or US session?
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