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Everything posted by sapperindi

  1. oh I read too fast. I thought price / time scale. I can do some research once I get to my machine later. Have you tried the price unit in the properties? i.e., instead of using automatic, try manually enter 10 Gann Planetary Lines
  2. Thanks @iatin. Let's see if magic will happen in 2025. 🙂
  3. @iatin Hi Bro, did you happen to find either OptionVue or OptionNet Explorer? Thanks
  4. Hopefully 2025 we can have some kind soul to help crack the latest beetrader software
  5. Anybody has Right Line Trading – Compass Trading System? if so, can you please share? Right Line Trading – Compass Trading System | Trading Courses Online
  6. if you want to learn Charles Drummond's methodology, you can find his course from this forum. Any thing special with Patrick Shaughnessy's teaching?
  7. /Trading Knowledge I-II-III/Patrick Shaughnessy's 1991 Labour Day Seminar (Audio 637 MB)_ON DVD10_/ (traders-library.com)
  8. Don't believe that this course has been leaked yet.
  9. HIs website Trade That Swing - Stock and Forex Trading Education and Analysis Thanks!
  10. Yep it is the same file uploaded by Kesk. Now in order to download yahoo finance data, need this version to install jason viewer. Have you tried timingsolution EOD datafeed, it got error message saying invalid symbol as well. not sure if others also have same issue.
  11. Thanks @Atomo12345 for sharing! From Virustotal: 5/71 security vendors flagged ts_upgrade_a_ti_p_1.exe file included in the zip file as malicious.
  12. Need to reinstall machine. @kesk Bro can you please share Terri latest setup file? the link below in the post#1 is not working anymore. Thanks much https://mega.nz/file/nUAUjZaZ#jZJ69B...11oYYOCps6XFgw - Terra 27-Jan-2023 Version
  13. It is protected by Themida, very hard to educate. I haven't heard of anyone that has successfully cracked the latest V241
  14. thank you @juisen25 - free link is limited to 700m. 😞
  15. Does any bro have alldebrid account or know any premium account generator to use? I have a few files from rapidgator that I want to download but needs premium account. thanks in advance
  16. thanks again! is this the right channel on yt? Arjo - YouTube
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