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sapperindi last won the day on May 15 2023

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About sapperindi

  • Birthday 04/01/1970

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  1. https://files.fibonaccitrader.com/ftgt/ftgtv410setup.exe
  2. send it to me by [email protected]

    are you willing to participate in acquiring this indicator

    Wolfe Wave

    at  $23 for 10 particioant

    1. sapperindi

      ⭐ sapperindi

      sure. I am in if 10 participant/

      Bro we are on the same spotgamma gb, you can ping me in discord as well

    2. roddizon1978


      LOL, men, I did not know, sorry

    3. sapperindi

      ⭐ sapperindi

      no worries. all good bro

  3. I don't have the premium course, but I have an pdf file explaining his methodology. Message me if you are interested.
  4. Hi, I purchased the spreadsheet and sent out the file in Discord channel.  I did not see you in there so I'm sending it here.

    Readme.txt SPX-Gamma-Dashboard-v1_3b.zip

    1. sapperindi

      ⭐ sapperindi

      Thanks I am traveling this week. Appreciate it

  5. oh I read too fast. I thought price / time scale. I can do some research once I get to my machine later. Have you tried the price unit in the properties? i.e., instead of using automatic, try manually enter 10 Gann Planetary Lines
  6. Thanks @iatin. Let's see if magic will happen in 2025. 🙂
  7. @iatin Hi Bro, did you happen to find either OptionVue or OptionNet Explorer? Thanks
  8. Hopefully 2025 we can have some kind soul to help crack the latest beetrader software
  9. Anybody has Right Line Trading – Compass Trading System? if so, can you please share? Right Line Trading – Compass Trading System | Trading Courses Online
  10. if you want to learn Charles Drummond's methodology, you can find his course from this forum. Any thing special with Patrick Shaughnessy's teaching?
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