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  1. Re: You may hate me for telling you this I think the human mind makes you feel well every time you are thinking that riches are just around the corner. So even if a system does not work (even after spending lots of money for buying it, for tutoring, webinars, monthly room subscription etc) and you lose money in the process, after a while the next seller and marketing guy is just around the corner with more promises of a foolproof way to make easy money in the markets... And again the mind tricks you, the optimism makes you feel really well and the process repeats itself many times... That is why logic must come above other emotions. Easier to say it than do it of course!
  2. Re: Ken Karpman Plummeted From a Six-Figure Salary to Earning $7 Very interesting story, gives many lessons to all of us. Makes you wonder why he did not spend more wisely.
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