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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/13 in Posts

  1. I was an unemployed man and I was searching a job like a freelancer , one day I saw an article in a magazine about forex trading . I got an idea and then I search about it in many forex forum , youtube etc . I collect many books and tutorials and I got advice and idea from it. Then I created an account with $1200 and start trading , unfortunately I face loss is about $800 and then my account manager John Green help me more now I am expert in this sector , Every day I can make more than $100 , recently I booked a house and buy a car. Really forex change my life style .
    1 point
  2. shicuco

    Sam S3iden

    I captured the Trading and Analysis session mentioned in my previous post. You can have it here: http://www.4shared.com/video/AVzefIjN/Trading_and_Analysis_19_09_13_.html Enjoy!
    1 point
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