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The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money

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The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power Summary:

By Stephen A. Zarlenga

The Lost Science of Money" by Stephen A. Zarlenga. Money makes the world's economies function. But money is the most misunderstood subject on earth. Bankers and economists spend millions of dollars in an effort to PREVENT people from learning what money is and understanding its uses and misuses. After all, money is power. And those who have the money have the power. And having both money and power means KEEPING that money and that power for yourself and preventing anyone else from also obtaining that money and that power. Whether you are the leader of a country or the leader of your own small family, knowing WHAT money is means that you can understand HOW and WHY the International Bankers have become such dangerous swindlers and thieves. This book makes such ecomonic classics as Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" both obsolete and obviously nothing but one more swindle by the bankers and moneylenders. This printable eBook is the entire 739 page book including all photographs although the photos have been scanned at low resolution to save bandwidth. Read "The Lost Science of Money" and know WHY all bankers are criminals and WHY all politicians are fools and traitors to Mankind.

Summary: An Eye Opener

Rating: 5


Trained with an MBA during the Reagan era of the 80's, one might consider my point of view to be influenced by the conservatism of a lost era. Thankfully for me, I grew up and out, and am now an artist, author and entrepreneur. Also fortunate is my ability to hold an open mind. Stephen's book was, simply put, amazing. We all know, on many levels, that the THE MONEY POWER (thank you Van Buren) has played a vital part in our own lives. Needless to say, the broader societal role that this power played and continues to play is like the elephant in the room. It's there, yet everyone ignores the understanding of it under the misdiagnoses that we are all too foolish to ever be able to, and that it's best left to the experts (the experts who until recently made millions, nay billions of dollars; the "cream of the crop" that the banking industry feeds endless bonuses to while the economy crumbles beneath their feet). Stephen assists us in letting us know that MBA or not (and I take having an MBA not all seriously-didn't Bush have one?), we are all capable of understanding money (the same money that, quite honestly, "makes the world go round"). We are also responsible for that understanding just as much as we are responsible for our own security, our own housing, our own welfare and the broader welfare of our country, our society and our world. I particularly enjoy the blunt language and metaphors (although there was one section in which I tended to worry a bit about homophobia; there aren't "submissive partners" in gay relationships, Stephen). Stephen holds no punches and, quite fairly, has stern words for all perpetrators involved in the multiple-millennium banking and money thievery and fiascos that have plagued mankind, regardless of religion, race, or culture. Also, refreshingly, he gives solutions. It's not only about the problem, but incorporates suggestions for the solution: suggestions that are refreshingly given with an openness to obtain further information, create forums for discussion and dialogue, and with an understanding that his solutions may not be perfect yet either, but better than the disaster that has plagued our great (U.S.) country (and, indeed, world) for too long. I'm not so sure about the other money books out there right now (other than I know one in particular has gained a lot of media attention, sponsorships, a big name publisher, and is highly aligned with the powers that be, which are precisely the kind of institutions I've personally lost trust in). I love that Stephen has published the book without the assistance of those who would soften the tone or influence it's dissemination (congrats on the self-publishing), for I'm sure that the powers that be don't want this book read! Bottom line: this book was an eye opener for me (I even created three paintings during the course of reading it, with money as the subject), and I highly suggest it to my U.S. brothers and sisters who have been manipulated by THE MONEY POWER for their (and our) entire lives (and the lives of their (and our) forefathers, including the Native Americans!). Let's please take our Power back. There's no time like the present!


Summary: The most valuable book of all time

Rating: 5



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