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Ijo Royo Royo system

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ijo royo royo sistem


ijo royo royo sistem adalah sistem trading khusus yang saya anut menggunakan stochastic dan moving average

indikator ini adalah indi yang sering digunakan dengan standar.namun walaupun standar hasil yang digunakan sangat lumayan dan bisa di gunakan penghasilan tambahan


setting stochastic : 5,3,3

setting MA :5 dan 10


buy jika stochastic cross dan MA cross

sell sebaliknya


jika kita sudah menguasai ini maka hasil yang didapat baik yang micro,mini atau standar akan baik sekali.Happy Trading!


saya sertakan gambar dari tradingtradingqu.bmp[/attachment:30xnjvcb]

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Re: Ijo Royo Royo system



and this is google translation for people who don;t understand indo language like me



ijo royo royo system is a special trading system which I profess to use stochastic and moving average

This indicator is the individual who is often used with the standard results standar.namun although used very pretty and can use the additional income


stochastic settings: 5,3,3

setting MA: 5 and 10


buy if the stochastic cross and MA cross

otherwise sell


if we've mastered this then obtained good results are micro, mini or standard will be good sekali.Happy Trading!


I include a picture of the trading


-- 26 Sep 2009, 01:32 --


just to get full understand...

do we have to wait tell they cross together or not...

coz most of the time they don't cross in the same time..

thank you again...

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