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Re: Fapturbo creators preparing new EA


I meant source of this information, a link I meant.

A video with Steve is posted there, there he speaks about upcoming future. link: h**p://fapturbo.com/videosteve.html

The aim of opening this thread is to be mobilized, when things become actual.

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Re: Fapturbo creators preparing new EA


After watching the video


their "super new product"


would seem to be either they are adapting the code to something along the lines of ninjetrader or another platform that connects directly to ECN ooorrrrrr they are creating their own adapter completely,


wither way its going to be a high capitol entry i would be suprised if you could jump into it with at the very lest $10K.


Time for me top go research brokers i think, go markets just arent cutting the mustard

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  • 1 month later...
Guest james_phuc28

Re: Fapturbo creators preparing new EA


Hi everybody,


Here is the source of information:


Their new Fapturbo EA is called "Fapturbo Evolution" which is used on Dukascopy's web-based trading platform. Fapturbo Evolution is also called SWISSFAP. Nice name.


I wonder if Dukascopy allows opening of a mini account or not, and what is the required minimum amount for a mini live account from Dukascopy? Anybody knows well about Dukascopy, please share information.


Fapturbo Evolution EA will be released on JULY 14, 2009.


One more thing I am curious to know: Can Fapturbo Evolution EA be used on both MT4 Platform as well as web-based platform of Dukascopy?


If Fapturbo Evolution EA can only be used on Dukascopy's web-based platform, I think many of us will not like it, because we don't have our own choice of brokers.


Waiting for your further information.


Best regards,


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Re: Fapturbo creators preparing new EA


I understand that this version will only work with Dukascopy, who use a different platform (JTForex).


Apparently there are only 2000 copies(!) and if you buy it you get a free copy of Megadroid Pro which normally costs $699. I cannot find any information as to whether MD Pro will work on MT4 or just JForex.


Hopefully, MD Pro will work with MT4, and also that it will be sent to all registered users at no cost.

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Re: Fapturbo creators preparing new EA


Hi everybody,


Here is the source of information:


Their new Fapturbo EA is called "Fapturbo Evolution" which is used on Dukascopy's web-based trading platform. Fapturbo Evolution is also called SWISSFAP. Nice name.


I wonder if Dukascopy allows opening of a mini account or not, and what is the required minimum amount for a mini live account from Dukascopy? Anybody knows well about Dukascopy, please share information.


Fapturbo Evolution EA will be released on JULY 14, 2009.


One more thing I am curious to know: Can Fapturbo Evolution EA be used on both MT4 Platform as well as web-based platform of Dukascopy?


If Fapturbo Evolution EA can only be used on Dukascopy's web-based platform, I think many of us will not like it, because we don't have our own choice of brokers.


Waiting for your further information.


Best regards,



sound like a movie "dragon ball evolution" to me.... :))

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