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Is it possible to open multiple accounts in your broker?

Guest sherealikhan

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think that most brokers allow to have many accounts, but you can have only one profile.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sherealikhan
Yes, of course. But why you want to open multiple account. Is it not better for a professional personal connected with one account? Yes, it is so good for you if you spend your time same way like one account owner. If you need more profit you can just open multiple account in trading signal spros http://tradingsignalspros.com/ as my recommended best and better trading plate form. Thanks.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don’t see a need of opening multiple accounts on the same broker platforms; since you will be getting the same leverage, currency pairs and spreads no matter the type of account you use; Instead I prefer to maintain an account with different brokers the benefits are better because personally most times, I may wish to trade a currency, than I see a 2 pips difference from my Oanda platform and 1 pip difference from Profiforex platform on the same currency pair.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I don’t see the need to create multiple accounts with the same brokers, since you will still be getting the same price quote for the 2 accounts. But I know some brokers allow traders to have multiple accounts on their platform; I know some friends that maintain 2 accounts on the Profiforex and Oanda brokers. Personally, I keep 2 accounts with various brokers so that I can take advantage of the different price quotes.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I don’t see the need to create multiple accounts with the same brokers, since you will still be getting the same price quote for the 2 accounts. But I know some brokers allow traders to have multiple accounts on their platform; I know some friends that maintain 2 accounts on the Profiforex and Oanda brokers. Personally, I keep 2 accounts with various brokers so that I can take advantage of the different price quotes.


Adhere to the same opinion. One account is enough, opening second especially without permission may result in ban, so keep that in mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well it doesn't make sense to have multiple accounts with multiple profiles when you can manage all your accounts with the same profile, and even transfer funds among different accounts.


Although its not necessary to have multiple accounts, i would rather suggest to have an account with multiple brokers, still its difficult to manage all these.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
if anyone trades more than one account under the same broker pls share and kindly let us know what the logic behind it, i read about spreading the capital between two brokers or more incase its too big, but does it help haing more than one account under the same broker? :)
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