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Difference between spread and commission type of account?

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Hi folks,


I'm going to open account with brokerage house Tickmill but they offer two types of accounts - Classic and ECN. First is Spread+markup, second is raw spread+comission. Can somebody expain me the difference between them, pros and cons in the light of trading pecuilars, for example how SL works in both cases, volatility, etc.

Thanks in advance


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cost will about same.they are market maker ........when you win they lose.90% their clients lost money,if you will lucky man and you will still win,they dont fill you your stoploss your orders will fill slowly,if you will have problem automaticaly refuses your complaint,because they are from offshore.


do futures market ,there you have better proability win trust me

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cost will about same.they are market maker ........when you win they lose.90% their clients lost money,if you will lucky man and you will still win,they dont fill you your stoploss your orders will fill slowly,if you will have problem automaticaly refuses your complaint,because they are from offshore.


do futures market ,there you have better proability win trust me



Most brokers act as a counterparty to your orders, it's widely known fact. The reason I chose fx broker is low capital requirement, I don't have 2K min to deposit.:(

I picked Tickmill after careful research of traders feedback on forums, it was not a random decision, still won't trade more than 200$ for a start.

What will be your advice on account choosing for news trading? I tend to think that Exchange one is better.



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no one broker let you trade news,1-5 they let you trading news than,they will your order slip,i was in tickmill or armada market,after i make about 250dol on news, they started slipage me 30-80 pips,order was delayed about 10-20 seconds(dont forget cancell sliped order you must wait on wrong price,(there isnt setting slip my order 10 pips than i cancell


tickmill havent regulation(seychele regulation is s**** of paper) ,best regulation is in usa,(in the internet is many judgment about scamimng clients brokers-only usa regulation,help clients ,best know case fxcm


they havent liquidity only liquidity is tickmill .......in seycheles -

before 5 years ago there was posible trading news,but metaquote make plugins which stolem clients in each situation


if you will trading news than write me how much time they dont slip your order ,i bet 1-3 time without slipage


for me is tickmil scam....most scam brokers have metatrader and are located in offshore

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