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Does anybody know how this plots ? Has it been educated ?It look like if you combine it with something else it may work ....


Hi trading1903 here is what was shared previously ---price magnets

Thanks to all the contributors here big and small!!



import normally

tested on win7nt7v25--worked here

Have grt wknd!

Edited by newbie0101
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----------- I mistook the Other price magnets for these ones.... the sceeto price magnets are actually pretty ****py if I remember correctly. I used them once for a little bit AND:


They didn't seem like anything more than just lines every 2 points on ES !


Correct me if I am wrong >> >that is why I think he gives them for free on his site. You can just download them for free from his site.


And I don't think they add any value really... but that was years ago when I tested them... I could be wrong now. He could have improved them.

Edited by inthezone
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