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Hedging is out

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Re: Hedging is out


Hi all,


having a talk to my broker in UK...they told me that nothing is planed about hedging there.


Yes...hedging can make much more profit also with EA's.


But it's not only hedging that was canceled by the NFA. this month there is a new rule also upcoming. that's also called the FIFO Rule.


those rules make it very uninteresting to trade with NFA regulated Brokers...

So i think if the US residents can do they will go outside of USA.

maybe there is a way to go to canada...

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Re: Hedging is out


I am currently with a US broker who will not allow hedging. Is there any easy way to take my funds out from my broker in USA to another in Australia - I mean is there any interbroker channel that's available in US?


Have you tried contacting some Australian brokers already? Perhaps such a channel exists, or they might have something similar to help you transfer your funds to them. They should definitely be able to advise you on the best course of action.

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