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Top 10 Scams !!!!!!


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NO. 10- confession of a homeless person


<< A homeless person joined this free training, and went from

homeless to a nice 5-figure income from trading a small account

and built up from there.


Here's the free training he joinded, and you can join it free too...


Don't let this chance slip.


Take care...




"this free training" ...



" Here's the free training he joinded, and you can join it free too... "




NOTE.. homeless with a computer .. etc .. uhmmm


I got in and went homeless thus using mike's computer while he went out ..LOL


more info ..?


[email protected]



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Well, Marchello, conventional wisdon tells us that they are all scams. Similarly, they all work, but unfortunately none work well enough for us.

Ooops, meant to add that if they worked really well then the sellers would be traders.

Why sell yous system for $97 when you can make $9700 a day?

Edited by Freddie
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Fully agree with you Freddie. That's why I am a full time member and love at first sight was with II ...:)


That is why, II is what it is .. The Protector ...


Maybe I should have placed this thread in jokes ..


Being so many years in Forex, the scams not only were easy to recognize but most of all, as 1 member has a note under his nick .. something like .. how can you be successful trader by buying cheap pdf;s / silly books / eBay systems .... etc.

He did put it very eloquently ..


In any case , why I made this first post was that I showed my wife this email and she found it ridiculous how traders buy this type of garbage .. and she is not at trader at all ..


Was hoping to see more of the unusual and ridiculous and amazing, that's all.


Ok, Ok, will sift my " garbage collecting email accounts" and get maybe a fill for #9...:)


Good trading wishes

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Number 9


And NO 9






Notice date sent and when the presentation will be .. like 3 hours ago ..


Of coarse .. after you click on link .. (eweber) .. of to the Landing Page and Sales ..


In any case we have it here at the II Palace ..:)

--auto fx millionaire --


and I will not post sales page .. LOL


Good trading wishes

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Originally Posted by successlife

Finaly I get complete course from Russia- If any have interest send PM


did private him ..

This is the response ...


Re: ref:MM

I buy from russia - 100% complete with templates.

I answer to you before any others, becuase you are the lider.

Actualy (NOW realy) i see the course.

I only like recover my cost.

Is maybe a good idea you join another people and then share with they.

I pay 500 USD only.


Do I need to say more ..?..





Good trading wishes


REF>> http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/13004-REQ-Market-Maker-s-Method?p=173682#post173682


Post # 1001

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the price went up for 800 usd now for complete MMMand students folder with some pdfs and explanations .


Thank you for update.. just want to make sure we speaking of same 'edition' which is the 2011 .. and he won't give proof ..LOL

With patience it will be shared accordingly .

Note >> Older editions have been shared completely ...


Good trading wishes

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I'm tiered of this scammer and his scamming agency:


If you’ve been trading for a while and haven’t been making the consistent profits you expect and want, then you might consider option spreads.


They are one of the most successful strategies seven-time international trading champion Chuck Hughes uses in his Cash Flow Trader advisory service.


Option spreads are created when you buy a call option and simultaneously sell a call option on the same stock, but with a higher strike price. Your risk is strictly limited to the cost of the spread.


Click here to learn how you can get option spread recommendations risk-free for 90 days... (http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=48877346&msgid=427001&act=NNDA&c=593789&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwealthinsideralliance.com%2Fcash-flow-trader%2Fjoin%2F%3F)


Link Redirects to affiliate:




The profit potential of option spreads is simply astonishing, especially given the risks.


Here are some recent examples of the profits posted to Chuck Hughes’s Cash Flow Trader


  • 384.2% Profits: On July 28, 2011, subscribers netted $16,674.00 in potential profits by buying an Apple Jan 12 240 call while selling an Apple Jan 12 400 call – a gain of 384.2%!
  • 595.7% Profits: On July 8, 2011, subscribers netted $9,888.00 in potential profits by buying the VMW Jan 12 50 call and selling the VMW Jan 12 110 call – a gain of 595.7%!
  • 739.1% Profits: Also on July 8, 2011, subscribers netted $20,510.00 in potential profits by buying a Salesforce Jan 12 65 call and selling the Jan 12 165 call – a gain of 739.1%!

Click here to get these same types of option spread recos risk-free for 90 days. (http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=48877346&msgid=427001&act=NNDA&c=593789&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwealthinsideralliance.com%2Fcash-flow-trader%2Fjoin%2F%3F)


Very few trading advisories know the ins and outs of option spreads… yet they have the potential to earn you eye-popping profits month after month!


Best wishes,

W3alth 1nsid3r Allianc3


The market’s been on a rollercoaster ride for the past several weeks.


While some people are heading for the hills...


... Subscribers to Chuck Hughes’s Cash Flow Trader advisory service have been generating BIG profits...


Since the market began its most recent sell-off in late July, Hughes’s Cash Flow Trader has generated eye-popping profits of 596%... 444%... 949%... 766%... and 663%#.

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Reason: Experienced traders know that markets fall MUCH faster than they go up. The right trades, therefore, can make staggering profits in a matter of weeks.


What’s more, Chuck trades both sides of the market. His option spread strategies consistently produce five and six-digit profits for his subscribers in both bull and bear market conditions.


For example, in just the past few weeks, subscribers could have pocketed: $14,753.40 from Chuck’s recommendation of the Sandisk Jan 12 30 option play… and $12,548.40 from an option spread on SINA (a 398% gain)

Click here to out Chuck’s recommendations RISK-FREE for 90 days. (http://www.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=xLh0&mc=Bv&s=hbPDf&y=r&)


There is a reason why Chuck has won more international trading competitions than anyone else in history. He trades with real money… and he uses strategies that work in the real world, not just in computer simulations.


His option buy-write strategies alone produce an average monthly income of $144,000. Click here to find out how he does it… and to get the identical trade recommendations. (http://www.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=xLh0&mc=Bv&s=hbPDf&y=r&)




Feel free to rate him.

Mods, we need a new "Hall of Shame" section.

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  • 5 weeks later...



www.yourtradingroom.com Their education package about $5.000 USD



They fail to tell you the cost of investment needed is $20,000 USD




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Top 10 Scams !!!!!!

NO. 1- YES Number ONE Without a doubt to the biggest planned AND RUNNING SCAM


Steve Mauro - Market Maker Method 1 Payment of $5,150.00


xxx.m@[email protected]


NOTE:>> Definition of FOREX SCAM .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forex_scam


I was truly taking my time to see where I place this SCAM .. and suddenly, without a doubt it

just gave me a EUREEEKKAAAA moment after seeing this post .. and just like that, without any doubt

IMHO the Number 1 SCAM, Steve Mauro - Market Maker Method !!!!!!


Please also ban those who upload copyrighted proprietary or stolen materials. The Cease and Desist Order goes to the site admin, not the individual who stole the materials.


Thus slowly I will add to this posts my conclusion for this point of view.


Myth 1- Consulting for absolute assurance of that statement .. thus, more to come ;;;


OUR type of sharing / contributing / collaborating / giving and taking ... is being threatened !!!!!!

We do it for LOVE and CARING .. they are in it FOR THE MONEY .. shut down any negatives ..

Last year a thread with same subject matter was forced to be closed

Presently the main thread has been made to come to a screeching stop ..

"he/she Jeannette" opens a new thread .. LOL


Apart from having many members receive their 'lawyers letter' Cease and Desist Order, now they want to take II into it ...

Thus, make your own conclusions.

Thus to post anything on thread that is "copyright" is a no no, but we always have private messaging . right..? .. daaahhhhhh to SM



to be continued ...........


Myth 2- SM HAS to leave brokers as he makes money from them and they do not want to keep his account trading .. ,, ( as to the showing of the burst statements EXCUSE )


You mean that all the traders that are successful have to change their brokers all the time and hide who they are ???


I personally know traders of HUGE accounts, and they sure make money and extract accordingly to cover their living good requirements.

We laughed at this statement of SM when I showed them a clip from his 'open to all' webinar and available at his site..

Personally have never had that problem with my live accounts.. ever .. :):)

to be continued ........................



Good trading wishes


PS .. From him/her first few postings, we sure filtered out the 'spy' 'mole' .. but so few believed it ..No problem .. just be aware now and lets protect II fully.


All up to members if they keep this thread alive or not ...

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Please help to rate hXXp://fxevolve.com/ . Their free videos are here: hXXp://vimeo.com/user6707250/videos which is updated DAILY by 6amEST.




Got to stop them ..... they are giving away "5-days training" for $199 one-time-fee so it's a scam in the making!! Stop them while they are still beginning!!



Can't believe a new start-up scam can so quickly gather "members" so gullible and so vulnerable. Already 30 and growing ..... got to stop them!!




Check out the names regularly to see if any of your friends already fell victim.

Edited by jeannette
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One of the longest lasting scams of all ..... Ronnie's forex live chatroom:




Can you believe anyone can grab such pips every day and every week and every month, by trading "live" alongside Ronnie and Fred? Impossible!! But people chose to believe in the scam and join his room to follow his trades, YES follow his every exact trade. How will you ever learn to trade for yourself if you just followed Ronnie and Fred in every trade and don't think for yourself? Trying to replicate Ronnie's pips successes by following and hand-holding? Big dreams.



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It's amazing. People actually took the trouble to TRAVEL to locations to attend these courses. Look at their faces, do you think they know it is a scam?? The presentation had the Levels1 2 3 from the MMM scam.


We think so too. It's not a bogus post. If we don't start it ourselves, someone else who had the same idea might start it later on (especially if he's unhappy/struggling student and sick of Eusebio-style after-the-fact boastings). So we thought to put up for discussion and feedback. These unhappy Steve students already made similar request in the MMM private forum but the idea/suggestion shot down by Steve/Zen and the know-it-all Dick. It is still being requested by new students in the General Chat and Forum Suggestions threads. So they ended up finding own Skype buddies on private messaging but clustered separately and never in one big groupchat. It is hard to know who already had a Skype group going and who is still looking to join.




Good trading wishes

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Please help to rate hXXp://fxevolve.com/ . Their free videos are here: hXXp://vimeo.com/user6707250/videos which is updated DAILY by 6amEST.



Got to stop them ..... they are giving away "5-days training" for $199 one-time-fee so it's a scam in the making!! Stop them while they are still beginning!!


Check out the names regularly to see if any of your friends already fell victim.


Please be more specific on why you feel they are a Scam .. and some statistics would be appreciated accordingly.. as we have done with MMM ...:) ,,,,?..




Good trading wishes

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general;183485]He only has one objective, destroy the post and attack all the traders when post about SM concepts.

My only conclusion is...... He are Member of SM.[/color]


Ignorant comments by a 'newbie' on thread about me ...lol

joined OCT .. has 5 posts .. btw .. maybe anothe 'spy' .. uhmmm .. I sure discover them all when they first join and start posting .. guess it comes with the territory of age an the conciseness it brings ..:)


I think he is just bored because he's retired and jobless and living alone. How else do you expect him to pass his time? Call his ex-wife?


BTW .. you don;t show statements of proof you trade .. you just BLA BLA and most of all .. I do not care what you do as you sure have time to hang around here and just pester .. you a disguised HE?SHE >>LOL


And no .. I do not live alone nor am jobless .. been there and done that up to 11 years ago ..:)

And a full time trader has a lot of time between trades, thus, share and be open to 'knowledge seekers' that want to be PROFITABLE ..


Thus, for uneducated and simple minded people .. I will combat so called members that especially in the MMM thread have influenced all actions with one purposde only .. To spy .. send out lawyers letters (which I also got last year and with my lawyers help answered, where they just apologized and ..:) ) as simply told them SUE ME ..lol


I have never joined the scam and never will as public domain teachings are brought into the course and copyright them .. LOL

The only copyright material are his produced videos but NOT the webinars he makes for the public, and, by sharing these public presentations got me the famous S&D letter ,, what a farce,,

( about 20% is original which I am aplying,, with none of his templates/charts/indicators/.. that keep in evolution depending who joins him into afiliation and they are all FOR PROFIT ONLY ..


That is why spies disrupt proper sharing .. and THAT IS MY BEEF with them ..

Rats ... vultures..LOL


Please look at their profile, date they joined and see that they ALL keep erasing their posts ..LOL .. why ..?.. uhmmmm

This is a sharing forum and open source .. period ..


And we share openly all material we can get our hands on as it might help a few traders.. or even better to the many ...


Friends have called me Zorro .. LOL


Bottom line.. if someone gives conditions-threats-etc.. and has a money conflict in their actions .. just 'kick their "tussies"


BTW .. why don't any of these 'spies' show a running stement rather than burst ..?..

I have shown mine openly with calls .. and yes .. we trade now the very few in a LIVE collaborative environment of the highest technology ..



Post @264

and follow some posts and pleas notice the date of project plan .. thank you


Good trading wishes




SM in MHO is still NO 1 SCAM


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New service or old scam resurfacing? Watch his video intro,

hXXp://www.compassfx.com/fxinsider/ (hXXp://www.megaupload.com/?d=8FHUWPKP)


Most of the time I am very grateful for your posts ..


Please, do update us on your habit of posting and then erasing ..?


Join Date Feb 2011

Join Date Feb 2011

Posts 5

Thanks 7


Thanked 107 Times in 52 Posts


and the many many more posts that you did not get thanks to ..?


Would personally be humble and thankful that you share with us knowledge of the SM inside info that can be useful to traders here..


Good trading wishes

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It seems strange or otherwise ironic that you would want to know SM inside info, given your conclusion and assertion that SM is No.1 scam. Why would anyone be interested in scam materials (from me) especially when they keep producing videos everyday in their Daily Market Review webinars? The new 5 weeks DMR curriculum is just extending the scam from the 4-days course. Since it is scam, then either it doesn't work or it is filled with materials easily found elsewhere. Why would anyone spend 4 full days learning the course and then spend even more precious time reviewing their past DMR recordings (2hrs daily, covering major pairs and additional curriculum) and then more time reviewing their past Sunday coaching sessions (2hrs weekly, Steve or guest student presentation)? Alot of time is needed to cover all these materials and videos and I doubt anyone would want to waste that kind of time on the No.1 scam.

That's right. Only 20% or so is really useful concepts which is enough for you to make money with, as you've proven with real statements. The rest are fluff and fillers that would consume too much hours to study and listen to. Not worth the effort. Looking at the inventory of recordings, they are merely repetitions of the same stuff only applied on different days and market conditions. You don't need to waste time on all these extra recordings.


How is the new Money Venture site you pushing .. also FOR MONEY ..?.. are you a trader or a beggar ..?


Humbly, thank you for responding and sharing the LIST you have of goodies.. Like a KID WITH A BOCX OF ICEACREM AND EATING ONE and saying .. YOU CAN NOT HAVE ANY..LOL


I do not need them at all ... and I applied his templates and saw they are **** ..lol Do not use them AT ALL .. as to learn from him, I admit, mostly from his webinars to the public where more than enough for me .. when videos came about I shared them absolutely ONCE i GOT THEM FROM SHARERS in this forum and others .. .... and lightly watched them .. mean .. lightly.. and once.. He discuses me, but that is my opinion ..

As to M&W which he now owns .. right .. due to NDA ..LOL yet it is public data that he copyrights .. same all I will list bellow.. at least, a few ..




and many more on FF .. etc..


as to railroad tracks .. I learned them a long time ago as SLING SHOTS .. Fibs>> Support/Resistance .. Supply/Demand/Zones Pivots, Murrey Math, some Gann and eTC,,ETC,,


As to MMM.. just search just type search on FF for


Technical Analysis Fallacy


And follow a true insider .. fti member, retired and sharing .. started 2007 .. 90% of SM

is there and other long time ago started threads ..

as MARKET MAKERS .. etc .. :) and especially look at OLD threads ..


Thus my trading has improved by a percentage.. absolutely .. and will always grow as I keep studying and apply cetain 'tools' that I acquire .. and many thanks to INDO.


I share openly all .. look at my profile and threads and posts.. except with YOU .. you just take

and in your insecurity blast **** out .. erase .. and blast nagain useless info ..


About 5 of you idiaots are doing the same all in the 'pay load' of SM .. and you even

look brown from the a** kissing ..LOL


When I ask for 'goodies' it;s for the community !!!!!!!! Get with the program !!!!!!!!


Thus, again .. your posts are psychotic in nature .. MHO


Good trading wishes to all



and out of the 800+ scamed paid members .. how about 20% of their statements .. no bursts allowed.. as many have been there for quite a while...


Best, you and your SM *** holes could start the show .. STATEMENTS !!!



GET WITH THE ROGRAM as ALL your posts are useless and keep deleting them .. no problem sucker ..


Share your greatness in trading and goodies .. or just stay in background downloading and never really saying THANKS ..



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