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Trading Psychology Video Package presented by Dr. Andrew Menaker


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ONLINE VIDEO PACKAGE: 4.5 hours of trading psychology videos presented by Dr. Andrew Menaker


Video 1: An edited presentation to a group of traders in Las Vegas in April 2010. Andrew draws from his personal experience as a trader and professional experience working with traders to show what works and what doesn’t work in trading psychology.


Video 2: This video addresses how a strong need for perfectionism can negatively impact a trader. Learn practical techniques for overcoming this issue.


Video 3: All traders experience performance anxiety. Andrew discusses the differences between independent trading and OPM.


Video 4: Gratitude and mindfulness are powerful tools to help you manage ego and emotions. More practical tips are provided.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Those videos weren't uploaded by a user here, the links above were to Andrew Menaker's (also known as PopDocTrader) own Screencast.com site. He normally charges $85 to get access to those videos but he's obviously been made aware that the links have been shared and he's taken them down..


As it happens though, I downloaded them. Unfortunately my downloader converted the original .flv files to .avi which has made them huge. First I need to convert them back to .flv then I'll post links here possibly later today/tomorrow.

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  • 2 months later...

1. Andrew Menaker - Acting in your own Best Interest - Las Vegas 2010

2. Andrew Menaker - The Search for Perfection and the Need for Precision

3. Andrew Menaker - Performance Anxiety

4. Andrew Menaker - Tools for Managing Fear and Greed - Gratitude and Humility

5. Develop Your Mental Edge by Dr. Andrew Menaker


Here is the link.................



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..........so many download but only 3 thanks. Come on ppl at least give some response................otherwise those who contribute selflessly will be demotivated.............I saw many ppl coming to this forum for only taking stuffs..................they don't share ........................that is alright ........at least post some comments/give some thanks........................
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..........so many download but only 3 thanks. Come on ppl at least give some response................otherwise those who contribute selflessly will be demotivated.............I saw many ppl coming to this forum for only taking stuffs..................they don't share ........................that is alright ........at least post some comments/give some thanks........................



Dear signrc,


I agree... you know yesterday I shared...


Raymond Merriman's much awaited book, till now 565 downloads....


Leibovit's book...again much awaited.... 455 downloads


Well these are those books which already exists on rival forums :D



I don't know how much thanks I got.... but still the spirit (along with beers ;)) is on..



Don't worry... almighty is seeing your effort... and you will be rewarded....


Der hain lekin andher nahin .... :D




Have a best day


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yes, i don't know why people don't give thanks which is quit simple and doesn't cost anything, i personally would thank almost all the stuff i see even if sometimes i don't download it because lack of hard disk space.




Dear Sesshoumaru,


No need to say this... your statistics ... below the beautiful avatara of yours says that... :D


BTW... who is she... ? awww .. don't take it other way... :)

Just kidding...today being Sunday - a beer day...



Have a nice day


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Here are some golden words.... on sharing -


One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. – Prov. 11:24


God loves a cheerful giver. -- 2 Corinthians 9:7


There are three kinds of givers -- the flint, the sponge and the honeycomb. To get anything out of a flint you must hammer it. And then you get only chips and sparks. To get water out of a sponge you must squeeze it, and the more you use pressure, the more you will get. But the honeycomb just overflows with its own sweetness. Which kind of giver are you?



And above all this, every time a question comes to my mind.... how many of them are benefiting from this.. Even I have number

of books.. vodz.. some never seen... just stored in the HDD...


Have a nice day


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Leibovit's book...again much awaited.... 455 downloads


your Trading on Volume books is downloaded from my link for more than 13 thousand...........I don't share this link with any other forum...................






So.................what will I say. How much effort you have to put to get this book. If anyone can't gave atleast a thank than ..........ppl like u will definitely be disheartened.

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