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Thanks for that! It is 4 "WAIT" buttons. To me that is a selling point, NOT!!!, and I would buy it... but than I would have to admit to being an IDIOT!!!! Because as you can see, it is for IDIOTS. Nice marketing. I hope a lot of IDIOTS will buy. Lol! Thanks again! I love these funny sites.
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How many times have I seen these rubbish marketing videos lol...


Yet again an EA that is nothing like anything previously seen...thinks for itself etc. etc. and when decompiled reveals that it's doing not much more than trading an MA cross :)


I suspect that the voice is that of a "professional" reader who doesn't know how certain words are normally pronounced. Irrevocably has an emphasis on the 'e' (should be pronounced: ih-rev-uh-kuh-buhhttp://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngly), it all smacks of someone being paid to read a script which has been created by a professional copy writer. Nothing inherently wrong with that, however these guys always like to give the impression that it's them (the experienced trader/system developer) talking to you when it's nothing of the sort.


We keep seeing more and more of this EA crap every day and time and time again it all ends up being rubbish - is this not a wake-up call for all of you constantly searching for a perfect EA?


We have a thread here on II for the best performing EAs and it's mainly full of different ways of trading Megadroid. Even those Megadroid guys are constantly spamming all and sundry with other rubbish EAs . Their own EA admittedly shows a very high proportion of winners, but the problem is that it hardly ever trades, so will never give anyone a decent income never mind make them a millionaire. Give Megadroid an unusual year where it ends up hitting it's large stop losses and it too will fall into the EA graveyard.


I'm sure that someone will have this pips4idiots EA eventually, though I bet it contains not much more than standard indicators: WPR, ADX, MA, PSAR etc.


I've yet to see an EA which consistently works in real-life (as opposed to faked backtests/forward tests), this told me some time ago that the EA search is pointless.


The forex market is active most of each day apart from around 9pm-midnight GMT, so there's a chance for doing a bit of manual trading for everyone (and there are tons of good manual trading systems right here which will make you consistent money). Even if you prefer to "set and forget" trades, it's much better to use a Daily manual system such as that recently posted by Kraven (http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/10325-SIMPLE-EFFECTIVE-DAILY-SYSTEM-by-kraven) than mess around with EAs which from my experience will always be a disappointment.

Edited by soundfx
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