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I created this topic for torrent lovers,

here i will up date trackers opens registration,tips & tricks ,& so on.


PRIVATE TORRENT TRACKERS with open for registration



here u can find daily updation,




some more trackers waiting for u, listed below

   http://overtopropetorrents.com/signup.php         (Wrestling/Sport/Entertainment)
   https://packme.in/oya.php  ---winjasmine


Bittorrent trackers are open for the following categories:

9 Adult trackers 3 Anime trackers 3 eLearning trackers

6 Games trackers 88 General trackers 4 HD trackers

19 Music trackers 5 Sport trackers 4 TV trackers

9 Video trackers


for full list log to




Three Ways to Find Open Registration on Private Torrent Sites



The Top 10 Torrent Sites of 2010



IF u want know about ur torrent/trackers & similar sites log to


for eg-search like this



torrent search engine.searches for bittorrents on multiple sites




FREE account regi on--Next June 15th[every 15"th it opens for regi] it is one of the leading private tracker ,it has tons of videos,books & audio books -covers all subjects(self help motivation,seducation ,business&finance & so on )



It is the second largest, and is the most popular, Public tracker more info at


this has good verified torrents in its data base

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BiT torrent for Dummies (book)












uTorrent SpeedUp PRO

Have movies, music and any file downloaded to your PC quicker than ever!


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  • 2 weeks later...

how to increase up load ratio in torrents/trackers with out uploading (fake)

video tutorials,(how to hack uploading in torrent.)





1) Go to


then sign up.

(click before, then i agree, fill up fields then submit) you might receive confirmation mail, after that log in)


2) Then go to


and login. Then download the latest version: » Abuze Mod (


3) Download latest Azureus (vuze) client

. http://www.vuze.com/

( http://hwcdn01.vuze.com/files/Vuze_Installer.exe ) . Do not make it default application, don't install extra stuff.p


4) after you succesfully started vuze go to tools->options->interface->start and uncheck all boxes to do not update (if it updates, the cheating mode will dissapear)


5) Save the torrent file then right click and open it with vuze, there left click on downloading and go to shu fake tab


6) My prefered settings:

a) check "Fake report to tracker systems"

b) check safe fake upload and modify value to 3.0 or 4.0

c) check download reduction (i usualy put a value bigger then 70%)

d) check Fake upload "speed mode++"

and check first box and put a value of 1.0

e) now for the fake upload speed, i recomend values between 150kb and 700 kb (change them periodically, but do not put a value more than 900 kb/sec in the right box or you will risk being detected)


Optional step:

to see the actual real and fake upload speed do this: (see video)


PS: forgot a very important step: after step 4 copy paste the files from the abuze mode archive in the vuze folder (it will replace the original)


your total speed must not be above 990 kb/sec

for example if you download 3 torrents, you can upload 230 kb to ome, 580 kb to another and 147 kb to another or any other combinaton.


If you only upload 1 torrent you can have like 769 kb/upload


to disable fake uploading per torrent, disable fake reporting in the shu fake tab or completely stop the torrent




this is not my own formula/tricks---found in a site, experts can check this & validate

Edited by trduraikamaraj
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Regi are allowed in


it is a russian private tracker, It has a huge varities in its data base (Film, Video & TV ,Documentary, humor, sports ,Audio books, training videos, Books & Magazines ,& so on )


at the begining u can feel some what un easy but later on u feel easy

not all torrent files are in russian language equaly in english also ,(use google translate)

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how to increase up load ratio in torrents/trackers with out uploading (fake)

video tutorials,(how to hack uploading in torrent.)




GreedyTorrent is a freeware software that can boost your upload ratio.

survival kit for a leech. GreedyTorrent is a freeware software program that can boost your bittorrent upload ratio

free software at




free regi are still available in


Edited by trduraikamaraj
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  • 1 month later...




MVGroup is a BitTorrent tracker and file sharing community that specializes

in the distribution of educational media, especially documentaries. ...


Fast and easy torrent downloads - Fenopy.com. ... 2010

Fenopy.com Fenopy: Advanced Bittorrent!





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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

1) We check your trackers available for regi





2) Tracker Checker 2.0.3 Public Preview


“Check private torrent trackers”



Wouldn't you want to be able to sign up to private torrent trackers to get access to the best downloadable content on the net? Tracker Checker lets you constantly monitor these sites and be informed when open sign ups are available. The program offers a huge list of trackers and all you have to do is check the ones that you're interested in. A little pop up in your menu tray will inform you when a sign up opens. You'll then have to click on the url button to open up the sign up page.


You can easily add new trackers to complement the list and remove the ones that you don't want to use. If you don't want to get bothered by constant notifications we advise you set a large check time. Tracker Checker is accurate most of the time and will finally give you access to great torrent trackers.




OS requirements for Tracker Checker:


* OS: Win95/98/98SE/Me/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista


Minimum requirements:


* .NET Framework 2.0


Tracker Checker free download




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How to quickly increase your seeding ratio on a private torrent website

Seen as you are looking at this page i assume you are already a member of a private torrent site and understand how torrents work in general.


The software i will be working with is UTORRENT for my torrent client and i am using a private torrent site.


Next thing you will need is a computer with two profiles enabled and fast user switching enabled (fast user switching is on windows xp and vista, not sure about other operating systems) you can also use two separate computers which are on the same LAN (local area network).


The theory in general for this is that instead of uploading to other people on the internet which can be slow you are going to be uploading to yourself which allows very high speeds which will allow you to get a very high seeding ratio very quickly.


Note before you start you must be logged into your private torrent site. Not all sites require this but the one us use does.


Step 1 (Download the torrent file from your private torrent website)


You will need to originally have one torrent downloaded in order to have something to seed. Download any file at all a medium size file is usually best, a movie etc. 700mb for example.


Once the file is download set the file to seeding. Make sure you dont have a upload speed limit set.


Step 2 (Finding connection information for the seeding computer)

Now you are going to have to find the seeding computers ip address. To do this you need to open up command prompt and type "ipconfig" as in the image below.


Next we need to find what port you are seeding the torrent on. This step may be different for whatever torrent client you are using.


In UTORRENT you need to go to press Options -> Preferences -> Connection


In here you should the screen below. Make a note of this number


Step 4 (Setting up the download from the seeding torrent above that we downloaded above)


Ok so now you should have a fully downloaded torrent which is set to seeding.

You should have the ip address and port number of the computer with the seeding torrent.


Step 4.1 (Using the Fast user switching method)


In windows XP and Vista there is an option called Fast User Switching. This allows more than once user to be able to log into a single computer at the same time and to switch between each user without effecting the applications on each users logged in account.


As you can see below when i press shutdown in windows you get the option to switch user. When you press this it brings you back to the login screen where you can login to another user. If you dont have any other users you need to create one.


Once logged in you open up utorrent and open the same torrent file you are seeding above. Make sure you select it to download to a different location than the one download above. You dont want to override it.


Once it starts downloading stop the download right click on the torrent and select properties.


In the bit i have marked out in red you will have your tracker web address. Delete this and press OK


Next thing is to link the torrent to download from your other client on your other windows account that we have switched from.


Here you select the peers tab at the bottom of the screen and right click and select add peers as in the image below.



In the box that opens up enter the ip address we got above followed by a colen and the ip address. Im my case its and then press ok.


Now right click on the torrent and select start. This will begin the download from yourself. you should see it start to download at significant speed.


My Downloads go at a rate of around 20Mbps using this method and if you switch back to the other account that you are seeding from you will see that you are uploading at this rate.


Once the download completes simply delete the torrent and the data and download the file from yourself again and again and again to get the desired torrent ratio.



Step 4.2 (Using the other computer method)


If you want to use another computer then go right ahead. You use exactly the same method as in step 4.1 but you just use whatever account you want on the other computer. The computer also has to be on the same local area network.


Below is a screenshot of the torrent uploading to myself.


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25 New Private Trackers October 2010 Edition.doc (477 KB)



How To Get Banned From a Torrent Invite Forum.doc (245 KB)



How To Speed Up Torrents with Low Seeders.doc (333.5 KB)



Private Tracker Ratio Hacking - Busted Myth Or Reality.doc (496.5 KB)


Ratio Faker Your New Best Friend To Get Tracker Banned.doc (140.5 KB)



Specialized Private BitTorrent Sites - ‘HD Video’.doc (53 KB)



The 10 Best Ways to Get Banned From a Private Tracker.doc (174.5 KB)



Tips to increase BitTorrent download speeds.doc (84 KB)



Tracker Ratio Cheating ‘Online App’ Now A Reality.doc (42 KB)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Easy ways to increase share ratio in ur account


watch the Top 10/50 Most Active Torrents in ur trackers list , always kept one or two for seeding which is listed in Top 10


Dont miss to look for (http://elbitz.net-MEMBERS)


1) Top 10 Most Active Torrents

2) Top 10 Most Snatched Torrents

3) Top 10 Most Data Transferred Torrents

4) Top 10 Best Seeded Torrents


if u choose wisely in this category,u can get more share ratio in ur account shortly .


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Torstream: Watch Video Torrents Online Via Web Stream, For Free


From all the innovative ways in which BitTorrent can be efficiently employed to distribute files (legally & otherwise), you’d think that by now someone would have come up with an effective solution to stream video torrents in a browser. The concept of torrent streaming is as age-old as the BitTorrent protocol itself, although it’s never been successfully developed to include public torrents on a grand scale. Until now.


Torstream is a new service that offers just that: Live video streaming of torrents found on public trackers - right through your own web-browser.



• Windows OS (XP / Vista / Win7)


• Highspeed / broadband connection to the Internet


• A web-browser (Firefox & Opera tested OK)


• Adobe Flash Player browser add-on


It’s recommended to update to the latest version (v10.1) first before attempting to view videos through Torstream.


• Install Torstream’s "TS Plugin" (a modified BitTorrent client) - install guide here.

"TS Plugin" download


install guide



The plugin/client enables your browser to stream video over a peer-to-peer BitTorrent network. Every person watching the video contributes some of his Internet connection and the resulting resource pool serves everybody. Using TS Plugin you help other people, other people help you and everybody gets the video faster.


Quick Start (Torstream Search)


In the search box enter a movie title and click Enter to search the network. Tips:


• English users, look for English flag icons appended to the resultant search queries.


• Pay special attention to the number of seeds. The higher, the better.


• Use common sense; select from releases (groups) that you know and trust. Avoid ‘junk’ (not common) and be mindful of video sizes.


Click the "watch" button to begin the torrent streaming process. A "prebuffering" phase should commence, and once it hits 100% the video will then begin playback.



An option for full screen playback also exists; to enable simply click the four-arrow icon in the bottom-right corner of the playback window. Be forewarned - in my experience (using Vista & Win7) it was extremely difficult to exit the full screen mode.

Remote Torrent

Instead of searching through Lithuania’s network on Torstream, users have an even better alternative - and that’s to use the "Remote Torrent" feature. There are two ways to apply this: from an existing URL of a torrent, or from a local .torrent file saved on the user’s PC. The easiest method is to download and manually save a .torrent file to your home PC, and then add them through "Remote Torrent" using the "Browse…" button.


Since Torstream’s playback performance is partly based upon the number of total peers in a torrent, users (especially English ones) have a much wider range of options & availability by adding their own torrents (as found on public torrent indexing sites). For instance, visit a website such as LimeTorrents and filter the the seed column from high to low (click here for an example). Low-seed torrents will have a harder time to connect to other peers, for reasons obvious.

TS-Plugin: Options/Advanced

Torstream’s options can be changed to override its default settings; such as the port#, save path, and allowable upstream bandwidth to other users. In the taskbar right-click on the Torstream icon and select "Options…"



Auto Local-Save

Not only are you watching it "live" but at the same time Torstream saves a local hardcopy (*.avi) of the file from a chosen video torrent. By default these are saved in C:\TorrentStream. (Note: If video playback is stopped or cancelled without it being viewed completely (to it’s end) then you’ll wind up with an incomplete file.)

Other Info / Tips

Scalability — In our testing, video playback is flawless and of good quality, although there were never more than 3-4 other users using the service when it was tested. However, since it works through public trackers (and seeds/peers that already exist in the torrents), feasibly it shouldn’t matter how many users are ‘online’ using Torstream & the TS plugin.


"Prebuffer" does not start (stuck at 0%) — If the video does not begin playback, be sure you’ve chosen torrents from the Lithuanian users option, or else use the Remote torrent method. As well, try restarting the browser after installing the TS-plugin and/or updating Adobe Flash.


Video Quality — Varies, depending on source. "P2P Group" releases work well (IMAGiNE, ViSiON, etc.) although we had no success with ‘720p Xvid’ rips/encodes such as those done by FLAWL3SS. Scene releases, if found in native RAR/archive formats, will not play - only extracted files are supported.


High-Definition is Supported — While *.mkv video files are supported by Torstream (for 720p/1080i/p playback), in our tests on Win7 with a 25Mbit DL connection, we couldn’t help but notice choppy playback whereby (re)buffering was required at various intervals during the playback. This was not experienced in regular 480p *.avi (XviD) playback.

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trackers invites for regi


The Horror Charnel: Open Signups For One Week (sign-ups 'til Nov 1st.)

"The Horror Charnel is very community-friendly and that’s what drives us. It may seem strange to have a community of friendly horror fans, but we do. From the day the site opened, the goal has been to have a place for horror fans to come together to share the movies they enjoy, have fun, and to keep things friendly."



AnimeByt.es - A New Anime, J-Music Tracker

AnimeByt.es is a community-oriented site that doubles as both an Anime tracker and a Japanese music tracker


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http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy256/trduraikamaraj/imagesqtbnANd9GcQPYN-AwG1i_xW7D4yudFbVrSMYtywWlmdGM2kiQLlkVynOzrYt1usg__pCKEBgDScvUaXrfNgiwfgHgWKWI.jpgPrivate tracker



uActivity is a private tracker that specializes in lifestyle content. uActivity will help you to share videos, E-books and audio files related to day to day human life. From Self Improvement, Fitness, Food, Drinking, Dancing, Health, Fitness, Seduction, NLP and Cooking to Magic Illusions and More.


free regi available,


IT is an Elbitz's sister site

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